In the MCR we are as democratic as we can and provide opportunities to have your voice be heard.
General Meetings
General Meetings are the essence of base democracy. Held once a term, they are an opportunity for any member of the MCR to submit motions asking for money to be spend on something, changes to be made to the constitution or stances to be taken.
General Meetings have to be announced at least one week in advance and are usually held Sundays after brunch (around 12pm). The deadline for motion is the 48h before the meeting, and the agenda is sent out 24h before the meeting.
There is a Annual General Meeting in the Sixth Week of Hilary, where the outgoing treasurer presents the financial statements and the president gives a
The MCR committee is elected in two elections for one year.
Non-Executive Elections
Executive Elections
The MCR is governed by our constitution, which can be found here.
Any changes to the constitution need a motion at at General Meeting (see above) and agreement by the Governing Body, the highest decision making body in our college.